“Importance of the Egy3 protein in the Arabidopsis thaliana response to high temperature and exposure to high light intensity”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (MINIATURA 2014/15/B/NZ3/00412)Coordinator: dr Małgorzata AdamiecDuration: 2019-2020
Author: ibedyr
“Functional characteristic of tarnsglutaminases in pathobiology of Phytophtora infestanse”Financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (CANALETTO PPN/BIL/2018/2/00117/U/00001)Coordinator: prof. of AMU dr hab. Ewa Sobieszczuk-NowickaDuration: 2019-2021
“Polyamines — a new metabolic switch for barley leaf senesence: developing molecular basis of the network regulation of the process to strategize for improving crop production”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (OPUS 2018/29/B/NZ9/00734)Coordinator: prof. of AMU dr hab. Ewa Sobieszczuk-NowickaDuration: 2019-2023
“Epigenetic dissection of induced barley leaf senescence and its utilization in crop improvement”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (SONATA BIS 2018/30/E/NZ9/00827)Coordinator: prof. of AMU dr hab. Ewa Sobieszczuk-NowickaDuration: 2019-2024
“Comparative analysis of the proteomes of S2P2 chloroplast mutants versus wild-type strain”Financed by Uniwersytet Jutra (Doctoral Grant 52/2020/2021)Coordinator: MSc Maria CiesielskaDuration: 2020-2021
“Comparative analysis of the proteomes of S2P2 chloroplast mutants versus wild-type strain”Financed by Dean of Faculty of Biology, (GDWB/09/2020)Coordinator: MSc Maria CiesielskaDuration: 2020-2021
“Proteome sulfhydratation of germinating rapeseed under the influence of exogenous hydrogen sulphide”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (MINIATURA 2020/04/X/NZ1/00612)Coordinator: dr Łukasz WojtylaDuration: 2020-2022
“Influence of S2P2 intramembrane protease on the function and development of Arabidopsis thaliana”Financed by Faculty of Biology, AMU (MiniGrant POWER)Coordinator: MSc Maria CiesielskaDuration: 2021-2022
“Factors affecting the efficiency of transfer and spread of phytoplasmas in the environment on the examplary organism ‘Ca. Phytoplasma asteris’.”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (SONATINA 2021/40/C/NZ8/00151)Coordinator: dr Agnieszka ZwolińskaDuration: 2021-2024
“Analiza poziomu ekspresji MSR1 i CD36 oraz gęstości receptorów typu scavenger na monocytach pacjentów z chorobą niedokrwienną serca”Financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education (NN402524239)Coordinator: prof. dr hab. Grzegorz RosińskiDuration: 2010-2012