“The effect of allatostatic neuropeptides (Grybi-AST B1, Trica-AST B5 and Trica-AST C) on physiological processes of Tenebrio molitor beetle”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (PRELUDIUM 2015/17/N/NZ4/02330)Coordinator: dr Jan LubawyDuration: 2016-2019
Author: ibedyr
“Impact of desiccation on immune system of beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides (Coleoptera: Silphidae)”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (PRELUDIUM 2016/21/N/NZ4/00123)Coordinator: dr Arkadiusz UrbańskiDuration: 2017-2021
“Cold tolerance mechanisms occuring in tropical insects on the example of cockroach Grompadorhina coquereliana”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (SONATINA 2017/24/C/NZ4/00228)Coordinator: dr Jan LubawyDuration: 2017-2021
“Biological activity of gonado-inhibition peptide conjugates with nanodiamonds in the Tenebrio molitor beetle”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (PRELUDIUM 2017/27/N/NZ9/00266)Coordinator: dr Patryk NowickiDuration: 2018-2022
“Influence of temperature stress on the activity of the immune system of the Tenebrio molitor beetle”Financed by AMU, Excellence Initiative — Research University (BestStudentGrant)Coordinator: Justyna HornikDuration: 2020-2021
“Role of the insect neuroendocrine system in response to cold stres”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (SONATA 2019/35/D/NZ4/02731)Coordinator: dr Jan LubawyDuration: 2020-2024
“The role of short F neuropeptides (sNPF) in the regulation of the circadian cycle in the Tenebrio molitor beetle”Financed by AMU, Excellence Initiative — Research University (Study@research 034/34/UAM/0026)Coordinator: BS Dominika WojtalikDuration: 2021-2022
“Influence of glycoalkaloids on enzyme proteins level in insects”Financed by Uniwersytet Jutra (Doctoral Grant POWR.03.05.00-00-Z303/17)Coordinator: MSc Magdalena WinkielDuration: 2021-2022
“Influence of Solanaceae glycoalkaloids on cell metabolism in the T. molitor beetle”Financed by AMU, Excellence Initiative — Research University (Doctoral Minigrants 017/02/SNP/0013)Coordinator: MSc Magdalena WinkielDuration: 2021-2022
“Effect of glycoalkaloids on the quantitative and qualitative composition of hemolymph polyols and sugars and the activity of aldose reductase in the fat body in Galleria mellonella”Financed by Polish National Science Centre (MINIATURA 2021/05/X/NZ3/01341)Coordinator: dr Marta SpochaczDuration: 2021-2024